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- <text id=93HT1407>
- <title>
- Man of Year 1949: Winston Churchill
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--Man of the Year
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- January 2, 1950
- Man of the Half Century
- Winston Churchill: Through War & Peace
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p> Starting with superb confidence, the 20th Century plunged
- vigorously forward from ambush to ambush. Other ages may have
- suffered greater agonies; none suffered greater surprises. Much
- that seemed for the best turned out for the worst. Germany's
- progress led to Sarajevo and later to Buchenwald. Japan's
- progress became Pearl Harbor. The overthrow of the Czar became
- Communist dictatorship. The greatest triumphs of capitalism fell
- prey to socialism and bureaucracy. Science led to Hiroshima.
- </p>
- <p> Shock after shock threw civilization into confusion. As the
- 20th Century plunged on, long-familiar bearings were lost in the
- mists of change. Some of the age's great leaders called for more
- & more speed ahead; some tried to reverse the course. Winston
- Churchill had a different function: his chief contribution was to
- warn of rocks ahead, and to lead the rescue parties. He was not
- the man who designed the ship; what he did was to launch the
- lifeboats. That a free world survived in 1950, with a hope of
- more progress and less calamity, was due in large measure to his
- exertions.
- </p>
- <p> A Pardon from Napoleon. Churchill first came to public
- attention as the victim of an ambush and he never forgot the
- lesson. As a correspondent with British forces in the Boer War,
- he accepted an invitation to join a rash reconnaissance by
- armored railway train into enemy territory. The Boers waylaid the
- train. Churchill managed to get some wounded men to safety and
- started back alone toward his besieged comrades. A mounted Boer
- (Louis Botha, who later became Prime Minister of the Union of
- South Africa, and Churchill's good friend) rode up, aiming a
- rifle. Churchill remembers that what went through his mind then
- was a magnanimous statement of Napoleon: "When one is alone and
- unarmed, a surrender may be pardoned."
- </p>
- <p> Whether or not his sense of history was already that active,
- Churchill did surrender. But his life (and the half-century) was
- to be full of pleasant as well as unpleasant surprises. Within
- five weeks he made a hair-raising escape from the Boer prison at
- Pretoria, walked unnoticed through the crowded town, hid all day
- in a copse tenanted by a large vulture, stumbled upon the only
- English settlement in 20 miles, and was smuggled under a carload
- of wool to safety in Portuguese territory. All Britain acclaimed
- Churchill as a national hero.
- </p>
- <p> Late in 1900, the hero was elected a Tory member of the
- House of Commons. There, three weeks after Victoria's death had
- opened the new era, he rose, inwardly quaking and outwardly calm,
- to make his first speech. His subject: the Boer War. He favored
- reinforcement of the army in South Africa, but his main point was
- to urge civil rather than military government of conquered areas.
- He wanted "to make it easy and honorable for the Boers to
- surrender, and painful and perilous for them to continue in the
- field."
- </p>
- <p> These Churchillian themes would recur in succeeding decades:
- no appeasement of the armed enemy; no revenge on the beaten
- enemy; no military encroachments on civilian responsibility; look
- ahead to what you want and remember that every action has
- consequences which affect the goal. In short, Churchill at 26 was
- already a serious politician.
- </p>
- <p> One day in 1904 he entered the House, bowed to the Speaker,
- and turned his back upon the Conservative benches. He sat down in
- the front row of the Opposition, next to the Liberal David Lloyd
- George. Churchill joined the Liberals because they were for free
- trade. Some Conservative leaders were veering toward protective
- tariffs, an early surge of the 20th Century's economic
- nationalism. In 1904 few foresaw that Conservatives, Socialists,
- Communists, Fascists (and U.S. Republicans and Democrats) were to
- build higher & higher national trade barriers, strangling
- commerce, living standards and freedom.
- </p>
- <p> Shifts & Stirrings. Outside of Britain, the block of years
- 1900-14 brought more important shifts and stirrings.
- </p>
- <p>-- Wherever industrial machinery went it brought a new
- prosperity to the middle class--and rebellion or unrest among
- the workers, even when it raised their standard of living. The
- industrial proletariat of the great European cities drifted away
- from Christianity. In 1891 Pope Leo XIII solemnly warned against
- the unrestrained abuses of capitalism and against the Socialist
- remedy for them. By & large, the abuses went uncorrected. By 1914
- 12,000,000 Socialists were affiliated with the Second
- International; in Germany the Socialists were the largest party.
- </p>
- <p>-- U.S. unrest took a less definite, more subtle form. The
- strong moral element in the American character was brought to
- bear on the new social and economic issues. S. S. McClure and his
- muckrakers exposed evil in politics and business. William
- Jennings Bryan, declaiming against the money power of the Eastern
- cities, found his most responsive audience in the rural churches.
- Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson, each
- in a very different way, tried to deal with the restless
- discontent. They deflected currents which were to flow more
- strongly another day.
- </p>
- <p>-- In 1905, Japan, with the full approval of Teddy Roosevelt
- and progressive men everywhere, humbled Russia. No one noticed
- that this broke a chain of victories by Christians over non-
- Christian nations, stretching back to Lepanto in 1571. No one
- foresaw that the real effects of Russia's defeats would be 1) to
- tip the scale in the struggle between Japanese democrats and
- militarists in favor of the latter and 2) to break the confidence
- in Russia's rulers and lead to the revolution of 1905--the
- dress rehearsal for 1917. From the fall of Port Arthur one line
- led straight to Pearl Harbor; another led straight to Lenin.
- </p>
- <p>-- Dr. Sun Yat-sen hurried home from Denver to take charge
- of the revolt which brought down China's Manchu dynasty in 1912.
- Western techniques and ways of thought had torn the threads of
- the old society and the West looked upon the fall of the Manchus
- as a forward step. It turned out, however, to be easier for
- Western influence to destroy an alien society than to rebuild.
- Dr. Sun's fires were caught by strong breezes; in 1950 they were
- still burning.
- </p>
- <p>-- Mexico's revolution was regarded by the outside world as
- a comic nuisance. It was, however, part of the deep stirring of
- "backward" peoples everywhere which was to be characteristic of
- the century. Not the least poignant of the era's surprises was
- the flowering of its greatest art movement in the soil of the
- Mexican revolution; Rivera, Orozco and Siqueiros were culturally
- about as far as possible from Paris salons.
- </p>
- <p> Crusades & Soup Kitchens. In Britain, the Liberal Party was
- the first channel of those who sought State help against the
- rigors of capitalism. Sidney and Beatrice Webb and their Fabians
- went further than the Liberals: they worked for gradual change
- toward the socialist state. (The grade turned out to be steeper
- than they thought.)
- </p>
- <p> Churchill, as president of the Board of Trade (1908-10) and
- Home Secretary (1910-11), was in the front ranks of the early
- Liberal drive for social security. (In 1908 Churchill married
- Clementine Hozier "and," he reported, "lived happily ever
- afterwards." Mrs. Webb noted that Churchill's bride had no
- fortune, "which is to Winston's credit." Mrs. Webb had inherited
- money and, like other similarly fortunate 20th Century characters
- (including Franklin Roosevelt), she had a deep-seated prejudice
- against the accumulation of money by any other means.) He fought
- for old-age pensions and a job-finding service for the
- unemployed. But even in those Liberal salad days there were
- limits beyond which Churchill would not go. Offered the Local
- Government Board (now part of the Health Ministry), he recoiled:
- "I decline to be shut up in a soup kitchen with Mrs. Sidney
- Webb!"
- </p>
- <p> The Smoking Volcano. Like its successor, World War I came
- slowly, but more stealthily. There was no Hitler screaming in the
- Sportpalast, no Mussolini popping his eyeballs from a balcony of
- the Palazzo Venezia. International affairs before World War I
- were in the hands of gentlemen, trained diplomatists all. With
- great technical brilliance, they poulticed inflamed crises again
- & again with the salve of compromise.
- </p>
- <p> The root of the trouble went deep. Germany had come late to
- nationalism and industrialization, late to the feast of trade and
- colonies--late but with a hearty appetite. German steel
- production equaled Britain's by 1892, doubled it by 1910. The
- Prussian power cult had thrived in a poor land, now enriched by
- progress. Limitless expansion and conquest seemed to lie ahead.
- Germany's threatening moves from 1900 to 1914 drove old rivals--Britain,
- France and Russia--into one another's arms.
- </p>
- <p> Churchill explained the Kaiser's restlessness: "All he
- wished was to feel like Napoleon, and be like him without having
- had to fight his battles...If you are the summit of a
- volcano, the least you can do is to smoke. So he smoked, a pillar
- of cloud by day and the gleam of fire by night, to all who gazed
- from afar; and slowly and surely these perturbed observers
- gathered and joined themselves together for mutual protection."
- (Writing in 1930, Churchill was to pay the Kaiser a compliment
- which was also a somber comment on the 20th Century: "Time has
- brought him a surprising and paradoxical revenge upon his
- conquerors...The greater part of Europe...would regard
- the Hohenzollern restoration...as a comparatively hopeful
- event...This is not because his own personal light burns the
- brighter...but because of the increasing darkness around. The
- victorious democracies in driving out hereditary sovereigns
- supposed they were moving on the path of progress. They have in
- fact gone further and fared worse.")
- </p>
- <p> The Will to Suffer. In 1911 Churchill was appointed First
- Lord of the Admiralty. He plunged wholeheartedly into the navy's
- fathomless sea of details, visited every major naval installation
- in the British Isles and the Mediterranean. "I could put my hand
- on anything that was wanted," he recalls. He knew how to put the
- technicalities into memorable metaphors. In a 1914 debate on
- naval estimates, he told the House of Commons: "If you want a
- true picture in your mind of a battle between great modern
- ironclad ships, you must not think of it as if it were two men in
- armor striking at each other with heavy swords. It is more like a
- battle between two eggshells striking at each other with
- hammers."
- </p>
- <p> Churchill gives this picture of the summer of 1914: "The
- world on the verge of its catastrophe was very brilliant. Nations
- and Empires crowned with princes and potentates rose majestically
- on every side, lapped in the accumulated treasures of the long
- peace. All were fitted and fastened--it seemed securely--into
- an immense cantilever. The two mighty European systems faced each
- other glittering and clanking in their panoply, but with a
- tranquil gaze...But there was a strange temper in the air...Almost
- one might think the world wished to suffer..."
- </p>
- <p> Danton v. Maxim. The world did not wish nor foresee the
- suffering of 1914-18. Blindly, the peoples acquiesced in the war.
- When on Aug. 4 the roll was called in the German Reichstag,
- Socialists, who were supposed to be pacifists and
- internationalists, voted war appropriations to the Kaiser. On
- this day socialism and nationalism began their long, turbulent
- and unexpected marriage; in the 20th Century's second quarter,
- the offspring of this union were to dominate politics in Italy,
- Germany, Russia and even France, Britain, and the U.S.
- </p>
- <p> The generals of 1914 knew as little as the peoples about
- what lay ahead. By a triumph of indoctrination, the French army,
- from marshal to private, was imbued with the spirit of the
- offensive, which was just Danton's toujours de l'audace expressed
- in human flesh. Bands playing, the French soldiers, fine targets
- in red-and-blue uniforms, hurled themselves on the German lines
- in Lorraine. Machine guns mowed them down. The New England-born
- inventor, Hiram Maxim, had overruled Danton. The German generals
- were surprised, too. Their Schlieffen plan, a wheel through
- Belgium toward Paris, was expected to knock out France in six
- weeks. It swung short of the objective. Trenches were dug from
- Switzerland to the sea, and a four-year siege of war which
- neither side sought or foresaw developed.
- </p>
- <p> Out of the horror and futility of the trenches was born a
- new feeling that war in all circumstances is futile and evil.
- This pacifism suffused the minds of a whole generation in the
- West; it was to ease the path for Hitler's and Mussolini's early
- aggressions. The casualties of World War I trench warfare
- (4,000,000 died on the Western Front) were only a part of the
- horror. The rats, the lice, the slime were utter degradation to
- the most cleanly and comfortably reared generation of men the
- world had ever known. Former wars had been fought by professional
- soldiers or by men whose hazardous and squalid peacetime lives
- almost equaled the hazards and squalor of war. The generation of
- World War I thought that it had progressed beyond the old
- dangers. The pacifist poet, Siegfried Sassoon, understood that
- the horror lay in a shocking contrast:
- </p>
- <p>(Even Churchill, no pacifist, understood the revulsion to the
- trenches. In the midst of a World War II blitz a friend spoke
- disparagingly of pacifism; Churchill quoted pages of Sassoon to
- him.)
- </p>
- <p> Churchill looked upon the Western Front as an immense trap.
- The military men, he said, "had no policy but the policy of
- exhaustion." He emphatically agreed with France's Georges
- Clemenceau that "war is too serious a matter to be left to the
- generals." (Clemenceau's vintage flavor and color have been all
- but forgotten. After the war a French court asked him to suggest
- a sentence for a man who tried to assassinate him. Clemenceau was
- first inclined to let him go free, but then he had a second
- thought: "We have just won the most terrible war in history, yet
- here is a Frenchman who at point-blank range misses his target
- six times out of seven. I suggest that he be locked up for eight
- years, with intensive training in a shooting gallery.")
- </p>
- <p> Uncle to Tanks & Socialism. Early in the war, Churchill
- suggested "interposing a thin plate of steel" to protect troops
- from machine-gun fire. He ordered experimental tanks in 1915. The
- paternity of the tank is disputed; Churchill is at least its
- uncle.
- </p>
- <p> The other major effort to end the Western Front deadlock was
- the Dardanelles campaign, later known by a tragic name--Gallipoli.
- He wanted to force the Dardanelles, knock Turkey out
- of the war, tip the Balkan states to the side of the Allies and
- open a supply line through the Black Sea to exhausted Russia.
- Gallipoli was bungled by lack of coordination between the
- services and a piecemeal, too-little, too-late scale of attack.
- Churchill got the blame. He was fired from the Admiralty in May
- 1915 and six months later was dropped from the cabinet. For the
- next six months he saw trench warfare at first-hand as a
- lieutenant colonel in France. After Lloyd George became Prime
- Minister, he called Churchill back to head the Munitions Ministry
- in 1917. There Churchill presided over the amazingly successful
- production machinery that Lloyd George himself had set up. This
- all-out industrial mobilization (including nationalized
- factories) was to have consequences which neither Churchill nor
- Lloyd George foresaw. In all countries the prodigies of wartime
- achievement by national governments left a deep impression in
- which socialism and the welfare state later flourished. In 1933
- New Dealers justified themselves, not with the tenets of orthodox
- socialism but with the slogan, "Let's fight the depression as we
- fought the war."
- </p>
- <p> Churchill as mobilizer of two great national defense efforts
- unwittingly contributed more than all the Fabians to the triumph
- of the socialist state.
- </p>
- <p> A Bacillus & a Moralist. The greatest triumph of the all-
- powerful national socialist state came in 1917. Russian authority
- was broken less by an upsurge from below than by a rotting away
- at the top. The Czar and a large part of his court were so
- incompetent that the monk, Rasputin, a greasy sexual athlete,
- exercised more influence between 1912 and 1916 than any man in
- Russia. The confused, divided and frivolous Russian aristocracy
- had no idea of what was about to hit them. The Czar's last
- Premier, Count Golitsyn, said that he took the job in order "to
- have one more pleasant memory."
- </p>
- <p> The Germans sent Lenin back to Russia ("like a plague
- bacillus," said Churchill) to help the Revolution along. On Nov.
- 7 Lenin walked onto the platform of the Supreme Soviet, after
- removing his wig, and said: "We will now proceed to construct the
- proletarian socialist society."
- </p>
- <p> The U.S. entry into the war far over-balanced the Russian
- defection. At first, Wilson (and the American people) had blamed
- both sides, assuming their own moral superiority to all of the
- combatants. When he did decide to go to war, Wilson announced his
- objectives on moral grounds: to re-establish international law
- upon the seas from which Allied and neutral ships were being
- driven by German submarines and "to make the world safe for
- democracy."
- </p>
- <p> Mrs. Edith Wharton, the novelist, remembered Nov. 11, 1918:
- "Through the deep, expectant hush we heard, one after another,
- all the bells of Paris calling to each other...We had fared
- so long on the thin diet of hope deferred that for a moment or
- two our hearts wavered and doubted. Then like the bells, they
- swelled to bursting, and we knew the war was over." Out of the
- mud came the men who had sung of Madelon and Mademoiselle from
- Armentieres and of how far it was to Tipperary. They thought they
- had made the world safe for democracy. They, and all the world,
- turned to Woodrow Wilson; he would make real the dream of peace.
- </p>
- <p> He failed. Nationalism, which had been one of the great
- progressive forces of the 19th Century, had grown to the point
- where nations would not limit their sovereignty, even in the hope
- of escaping war. And Wilson himself dwelt in a self-righteous
- personal isolation unbecoming to a champion of collective
- security. He insisted that only Democrats could properly support
- his efforts of war & peace in Congress. Churchill said of him:
- "If Wilson had been either simply an idealist or a caucus
- politician, he might have succeeded. His attempt to run the two
- in double harness was the cause of his undoing...That was his
- ruin, and the ruin of much else as well. It is difficult for a
- man to do great things if he tries to combine a lambent charity
- embracing the whole world with the sharper forms of populist
- party strife."
- </p>
- <p> Churchill played no great part in the Peace Conference. He
- deplored its failure to make peace on the principles he had
- recommended for the Boer War. The terms the victors gave Germany
- were neither generous nor safe. Churchill called the reparation
- clauses "malignant and silly."
- </p>
- <p> The Allies made him their agent in an effort to crush the
- Bolsheviks. It would not have been a difficult job then; the Reds
- controlled only about 20% of the Czar's old territories. But the
- world was sick of war. Communists led a mutiny in a French fleet
- sent to the Black Sea to help the Russian Whites. After a
- desultory struggle, which Churchill called "a war of few
- casualties and unnumbered executions," the Allies gave up and the
- Communists won by default. Not their own strength, but the
- weakness and indecision of their enemies brought them to power
- and saved their skins.
- </p>
- <p> The Demon Rum. In a sense Europe never recovered from World
- War I. The old sense of unity, stability and confidence had been
- buried in the trenches. The U.S. went through a similar
- experience. In the midst of prosperity greater than it had ever
- known, it began to doubt itself more deeply than ever before. The
- political muckrakers of Teddy Roosevelt's day had been succeeded
- by a brilliant group of muckrakers of the spirit. Sinclair Lewis,
- John Dos Passos, Ernest Hemingway asserted the barrenness and
- hypocrisy of American life.
- </p>
- <p> The weird controversy over Prohibition contributed to
- American disunity and self-doubt. Prohibition had not been solely
- the achievement of frustrated rural preachers, as H.L. Mencken &
- friends suggested. It had substantial support among
- industrialists, social workers, educators. Harvard's Charles W.
- Eliot at the age of 90 wrote in 1924: "I have become convinced
- that cheap alcohol threatens the existence of the white race." He
- specially decried the combination of alcohol and prostitution
- "resulting from the brothel or from the newer method of telephone
- assignation." Probably, in 1920, a majority of thoughtful
- Americans believed that Prohibition would work. It did, for a
- while. Its success had been connected with the war-born idea that
- governments were responsible for everything and could do
- everything; its failure came out of a war-born loosening of
- discipline and a more feverish tempo of life.
- </p>
- <p> F. Scott Fitzgerald and the newspaper moralists described
- the '20s as one long drunken stagger. The actuality was
- considerably less lurid. The '20s played golf, listened to the
- radio and sang When My Baby Smiles at Me, It Ain't Gonna Rain No
- More, and I'm Sitting on Top of the World. More solid suburban
- homes than silver hip flasks were sold in that decade. Even so,
- the fact that millions of Americans believed that millions of
- others were living in Babylonian depravity helped to undermine
- moral confidence.
- </p>
- <p> In one sector--business--the American people thought
- they had nothing to worry about. Henry Ford's mass production of
- automobiles had blossomed into the economic wonder of all time.
- The industry produced 896,000 cars in 1915, 1,906,000 in 1920 and
- 5,358,000 in 1929. The rest of business tried to deep pace,
- although home construction began to slip in 1926 and farm income
- lagged behind.
- </p>
- <p> By the mid-20s the American businessman had almost lived
- down the stigma of selfishness attached to him in the early years
- of the century. He had invented "service," had come honestly to
- believe that the justification for his existence was what he
- contributed to the community. (In 1950 he still believed it, and
- was ridiculed by his European brethren for his conviction.)
- Service and rising living standards and more & more production
- seemed to be progressing toward a materialist Nirvana. (Herbert
- Hoover, in lightsome vein, said that "the aspirations of the
- American people seem to have advanced from two chickens in every
- pot to two cars in every garage." Some Republicans adopted this
- as a serious slogan. After the depression the phrase came home to
- roost as a bitter joke. But it was no joke in 1949 when U.S.
- automobile registrations were estimated at 35,750,000. California
- had 3,350,000 cars, about 20% more than the number of families in
- the state.)
- </p>
- <p> When the stock market broke, it was not just another panic,
- so familiar in American history. The others had been more or less
- expected; this one was the end of a dream.
- </p>
- <p> Elsewhere other dreams were ending. In Britain the shame of
- the dole, the misery of the depressed areas, settled, like coal
- dust, on the power and glory and glitter of the empire. Churchill
- went back to the Tory Party in 1925. From 1924 to 1929 he served
- as Chancellor of the Exchequer. To this post he brought his
- amazing administrative ability and his infirm grasp of the
- decimal system ("those damn little dots"). He put Britain back on
- the gold standard (1925) and helped break the General Strike of
- 1926. It was not one of his better decades; in 1922 he was even
- beaten for Parliament by a Mr. Scrimgeour, a Prohibitionist and
- Christian Socialist who had unsuccessfully contested the seat at
- Dundee against Churchill in five election since 1908.
- </p>
- <p> Upheavals. The 1930s brought more surprises and upheavals.
- Some of them:
- </p>
- <p>-- In 1931 Japan grabbed Manchuria in the first major
- postwar aggression in defiance of the League of Nations. Within
- ten years Japan organized Manchurian raw materials and manpower
- into an industrial asset without which she would not have dared
- attack the U.S. The implications of this feat stretch beyond
- 1950; the Communists, who seized control of almost all China in
- 1949, have a parallel opportunity.
- </p>
- <p>-- In Germany, Hitler took power.
- </p>
- <p>-- In the U.S., Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal achieved
- victory, if not definition. Its underlying thrust was the same
- vague, restless force which Theodore Roosevelt had met with the
- Square Deal and Wilson with the New Freedom. This force was
- multiplied by the calamities of 1929-33: farm riots, bank
- closings, apple-selling unemployed and the U.S.'s least glorious
- military action, the assault on the bonus marchers at Anacostia.
- Also multiplied by the depression was the old self-doubt
- troubling the conscience of U.S. business. In Roosevelt's Hundred
- Days, businessmen rushed to Government like wet chicks to a hen,
- sheltering under the wings of Hugh Johnson's NRA Blue Eagle. The
- early New Deal's immense and contradictory activity generated an
- impression of constructive action. One of the pleasanter
- surprises of the 20th Century was how rapidly confidence and
- normal business life began to revive. The New Deal did not lick
- the depression, which lingered until rearmament, but it did lick
- the creeping chaos of 1932. The New Deal exchanged part of the
- American dream of opportunity for a new and perhaps more illusory
- dream of security. Most of the nation loved the warmhearted,
- skillful, and sometimes fuzzy-minded politician who had presided
- over the exchange.
- </p>
- <p>-- U.S. union labor, moribund in the '20s and feverishly
- feeble until 1933, got a boost from Roosevelt. Sit-down strikes
- ("When they tie a can to a union man, sit-down, sit-down")
- established unions in the automobile industry. As 1949 ended
- there were 16 million members of U.S. unions--five times as
- many as in 1933.
- </p>
- <p>-- Huey Long proved that the U.S. was not safe against
- Fascism. His Share Our Wealth Society promised to make "Every Man
- a King." Huey blamed the people's woes on the big money
- interests. His followers sang:
- </p>
- <p>Huey was becoming a national menace when he was assassinated in
- 1935; in 1949 his followers and his ideas were still lurking in
- the back alleys of U.S. politics.
- </p>
- <p>-- Spain, an anachronism, finally came face to face with
- 19th Century democracy, and immediately thereafter with 20th
- Century Communism and Fascism. As the resultant civil war wore
- on, Germany and Italy intervened more & more openly to help
- Francisco Franco; Moscow's Communists used terrorists to fasten
- their grip on the Loyalists. It ended with a civil war within a
- civil war; the Loyalist hero of Madrid, Jose Miaja, fought his
- Communist allies in the streets as the Fascists closed in for the
- kill. The confusion of the world's liberals was extreme; by
- default, they let the Communists take over the Loyalist cause,
- then the liberals stood in gape-mouthed admiration for Communist
- initiative.
- </p>
- <p>-- In 1936 France's Communists took the lead in organizing a
- Popular Front with the nationalist slogan, "For a free, strong
- and happy France." The world's liberals were misled again. Most
- of them thought the communists fine fellows; some liberals
- changed this opinion after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact; some
- needed the stern lessons in Communist aggression that 1946-49 was
- to bring.
- </p>
- <p>-- Gandhi, beginning his nonviolent resistance in 1920, had
- by the '30s created a force in India to which the British
- government had to bow. Laborite Ramsay MacDonald and Tory Stanley
- Baldwin began the British retreat. Churchill, breaking with
- Baldwin on the issue, stayed in the Tory Party, disgruntled and
- almost alone, about to take up his greatest work.
- </p>
- <p> The Wasted Years? By this time Churchill was four men,
- working in close partnership from 1930 to 1950.
- </p>
- <p> The personal Churchill was happy, reveling in the good
- things of life, both the simple and the complex. He laid bricks
- and built dams at his country home, enjoyed the best food and
- sampled, thoroughly, the best brandy. From painting, for years
- his main hobby, he derived "a tremendous new pleasure." Only
- Winston Churchill could have said: "Painting a picture is like
- fighting a battle...It is the same kind of problem as
- unfolding a long, sustained, interlocked argument." Churchill's
- happiness is an important element in his political leadership.
- The forces of dictatorship are pessimistic and sullen. Churchill
- loves freedom partly because he has got so much fun out of it. As
- Lord Birkenhead once said: "Mr. Churchill is easily satisfied
- with the best."
- </p>
- <p> Churchill the journalist maintained a fairly high average of
- quality, and his quantitative achievement was prodigious. During
- the '30s, which friendly biographers have called his "wasted
- years," he averaged a million words (equivalent to ten novel-
- length books) a year.
- </p>
- <p> Churchill the historian in the '20s wrote The World Crisis,
- professionally regarded as the best account of World War I. His
- Marlborough is not just a tribute to a famous ancestor. It
- abounds with new glimpses of an age with many lessons for the
- 20th Century.
- </p>
- <p> Churchill the politician has the other three, especially the
- historian, working for him. He is not obsessed with the past, but
- with the application of the past to the present and future. The
- business of a serious politician is to foretell; he uses history
- as an instrument of prophecy.
- </p>
- <p> Cassandra. Churchill spotted Hitler early as the main enemy
- of Britain and of civilization. He also foresaw that the crucial
- point of danger would be met when Germany's air power overhauled
- Britain's. In & out of the House of Commons Churchill began to
- hammer this home. Out of sheer apathy, the Tories ignored him.
- The Laborites, out of a deeply ingrained pacifism, did the same.
- Both parties pursued disarmament in the teeth of Hitler's rising
- might. In 1932, Churchill said: "Do not [believe] that all
- Germany is asking for is equal status...All these bands of
- sturdy Teutonic youths...are not looking for status. They are
- looking for weapons."
- </p>
- <p> When Hitler occupied and fortified the Rhineland in 1936,
- Churchill's strategic sense told him that the danger lay in
- Eastern Europe, now that Germany's western border was safe
- against invasion. Germany was free to turn upon
- Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland, which became the three major
- steps to war. Churchill, who knew Hitler could have been stopped
- in the Rhineland, calls World War II "the Unnecessary War."
- </p>
- <p> In the Czech crisis, he saw clearly that nothing could be
- done without cooperation between the West and Russia. When
- Chamberlain came home from Munich with "Peace for our time,"
- Churchill called it by its right name: "A total and unmitigated
- defeat." (An interlude in Churchill's Cassandra years was his
- defense of King Edward VIII in the 1936 abdication crisis over
- Wallis Simpson. When the abdication was decided upon Churchill
- walked weeping from Buckingham Palace. He wrote Edward's speech:
- "At long last...")
- </p>
- <p> Churchill's warning had two effects of transcendent
- importance: 1) they speeded up expansion of the R.A.F. to the
- point that saved Britain, 2) they left Churchill with a clear
- record, giving the free world a man to trust, after so many other
- leaders stood disgraced by unpreparedness and appeasement.
- </p>
- <p> On Sept. 3, 1939, His Majesty's ships on the seven seas
- cheered a signal from the Admiralty's Sea Lords: "Winston is
- back." The disasters of early 1940 had finished Chamberlain.
- Calling in Churchill and Lord Halifax, he told them that a
- coalition government had to be formed. Labor Party leaders would
- not serve under other Conservatives tainted with appeasement; the
- new Prime Minister had to be either Churchill or Halifax. For
- once, the voluble Churchill was silent. For a long minute he
- stared fixedly into space until Halifax modestly declined the
- task. Churchill, at 65, had attained the supreme responsibility
- at a moment of supreme crisis. He thought that was just as it
- should be: "As I went to bed at about 3 a.m. I was conscious of a
- profound sense of relief...Impatient for the morning, I slept
- soundly and had no need for cheering dreams. Facts are better
- than dreams."
- </p>
- <p> What Churchill said and did thereafter is still famous and
- fresh in the world's memory. Some of the passages of his wartime
- speeches are as ready to the tongue of 1950 as anything in
- Shakespeare, and the deeds to which he was a party are still
- better known.
- </p>
- <p> "What Will the People Think?" From his study of
- Marlborough's times (in which some British leaders dealt secretly
- with the enemy, France, and thereby consolidated Britain's
- reputation as "perfidious Albion"), Churchill brought a deep
- sense of the moral and political necessity of good faith between
- wartime allies. Although he was never misled about Communism's
- character or ultimate aims, he dealt loyally with his ally,
- Stalin. Through the darkest months, working more & more closely
- with Roosevelt, Churchill hoped for and expected that an even
- greater ally, the U.S. would come in. This dream might never have
- come true but for dreams on the other side of the world.
- </p>
- <p> Japan had dreamed of progress and her course had been
- unprecedented in history. In a single century this isolated,
- feudal realm, with meager natural resources, had become master of
- the East. It held half of China, and was wearing down the long,
- masterly defense of Chiang Kai-shek. All seemed clear sailing
- ahead, except for U.S. insistence that Japanese troops get out of
- Indo-China.
- </p>
- <p> To deal with that, a Japanese task force left Kure harbor in
- mid-November 1941. Iki Kuramoto, a Japanese sailor, has left a
- record of how it seemed from his side:
- </p>
- <p> "Finally the navigation officer...told us we were to
- make a surprise attack on Hawaii...At last Japan would be at
- war with Britain and the U.S.A....A dream come true! What
- will the people at home think when they hear the news? Won't they
- be excited!"
- </p>
- <p> Not, it turned out, as excited as the Americans were. In the
- succeeding four years they mobilized 14,000,000 men, built 4,900
- merchant ships, sent 76,000 planes overseas with 2,000,000 tons
- of bombs.
- </p>
- <p> Soon Japan's sun--and Hitler's--began to set. Already
- Montgomery's Eighth Army had captured the song Lilli Marlene from
- the Afrika Korps. At Stalingrad, Guadalcanal, Sicily, the
- dictators took the road back. The German generals who had been
- amazed at Hitler's political successes of the '30s, amazed again
- at their own easy victories of 1940-41, were amazed once more
- that their invincible troops could not hold their ground. Hitler
- was even amazed at the best-advertised fact in military history:
- Russian winters are cold.
- </p>
- <p> Poison & Guilt. When his Atlantic Wall was breached,
- Hitler's only hope was a rift between his Eastern and Western
- enemies. They held together--at the stiff (and probably
- unnecessary) price to the West of a compromise of moral principle
- at Yalta. Stalin might have taken Manchuria and Poland without
- the Yaltese benison; but at Yalta he got something more important
- than territory: proof that the West did not have enough sense to
- distrust him.
- </p>
- <p> So Hitler, with his blowzy mistress, died in a Berlin bunker
- and the first half of the 20th Century survived its greatest
- scourge. The man had used the most novel weapons of science and
- persuasion to revive the oldest and darkest human passions. He
- was the awful, ultimate answer to 1900's smug belief that change
- always moved in an upward direction. He was the proof that
- progress is poison as well as food, that evil is ineradicable and
- that safety is the most foolish of all foolish human hopes.
- </p>
- <p> After he died, it became the fashion to think of Hitler and
- the Nazis as some inexplicable variation from normal mankind. The
- fact was that Germany stood near the peak of Western
- civilization, and Hitler, every inch a German, carried the bulk
- of his people with him into crime. The depths to which Germans
- had descended would not be impossible for Russians, Britons or
- Americans--if they managed to achieve sufficiently bad
- political leadership and a sufficiently reckless disregard of
- moral law. Hitler systemically, scientifically slaughtered
- 6,000,000 Jews, a fact which the world learned after the war. But
- before the war, he had clearly shown that he would do this if he
- got a chance--and most of the world, German and non-German, had
- received these tidings with no great indignation. War guilt was
- not confined to the aggressors, and not all of the guilty were
- tried at Nurnberg.
- </p>
- <p> With Victory, the Veto. As Hitler's defeat became certain,
- the victors gathered at San Francisco to build a new and better
- league of nations--"peace-loving nations," the phrase went. A
- charter, sharply restricted by the Big Power veto, emerged from
- San Francisco. The veto, it was agreed, would be used sparingly,
- a word that turned out to have different meanings in English and
- Russian; up to the end of 1949, the Russians have used the veto
- 43 time in the United Nations Security Council.
- </p>
- <p> The intense nationalism that led to the veto was even proof
- against atomic bombs. The U.S.S.R. steadily refused to enter
- international atomic control agreements containing provision for
- genuine inspection and enforcement. By 1949 the Russians became
- able to make atomic bombs, and the hope of atomic agreement faded
- further.
- </p>
- <p> In July 1945, Britain held its first general election in ten
- years. Churchill has described the surprising result: "I acquired
- [in 1940] the chief power in the State, which...I wielded in
- ever-growing measure for five years and three months of world
- war, at the end of which time, all our enemies having surrendered
- unconditionally, or being about to do so, I was immediately
- dismissed by the British electorate from all further conduct of
- their affairs." Britain at that point preferred Clement Attlee
- (Churchill called him: "That sheep in sheep's clothing") and his
- Socialists, who continued the grim, grey wartime regime of "fair
- shares for all"--and not much for anybody.
- </p>
- <p> Attlee presided resolutely over the partial dissolution of
- the Empire on which Churchill cast a Cassandra eye: "It is with
- deep grief that I watch the clattering down of the British
- Empire, with all its glories and all the services it has rendered
- to mankind." It was too late for such regrets. Asians were
- determined to break the imperialist tether even at the risk of
- chaos and subsequent Communist control. In April 1949, Chinese
- Reds fired on British naval vessels in the Yangtze River; anti-
- Communists in Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai hung pictures of the
- wounded ships in their homes to celebrate Britain's humiliation.
- </p>
- <p> Asians nationalists had little else to celebrate. The
- Communist imperialists in China had reached the borders of Indo-
- China. Burma was in turmoil, Malaya restive. Indonesians and
- Dutch had finally patched up a hopeful peace. India seemed to be
- groping its way toward stable nationhood. But the Communist
- menace hung over all the East, the gravest long-range threat to
- the world's peace.
- </p>
- <p> In March 1946 Churchill performed one of his greatest
- services for Western civilization in a speech at Fulton, Mo. He
- flourished his membership card in the union of practicing
- prophets: "Last time I saw it all coming and cried aloud to my
- own fellow countrymen and to the world, but no one paid any
- attention." He said: "There is nothing [the Russians] admire so
- much as strength, and there is nothing for which they have less
- respect than for weakness, especially military weakness...If
- the Western democracies stand together in strict adherence to the
- principles of the United Nations Charter, their influence for
- furthering those principles will be immense, and no one is likely
- to molest them. If, however, they become divided or falter in
- their duty and if these all-important years are allowed to slip
- away--then indeed catastrophe may overwhelm us all."
- </p>
- <p> The Leadership of Freedom. The Fulton speech defined the
- main issue hanging over the world as the half-century closed. Out
- of Fulton came the Marshall Plan, Western Union, the military aid
- program, the decline of the Communist threat to Western Europe,
- and the spirit of defiance that inspired the great airlift to
- Berlin in the teeth of the Russian blockade.
- </p>
- <p> Harry Truman had been with Churchill at Fulton. He agreed
- with what Churchill said--but Harry Truman did not make the
- speech. He was another kind of politician, unsurpassed at
- guessing what the people wanted--as he was to prove in a
- memorable surprise on Nov. 2, 1948. Truman's kind of leadership
- might not be able to mobilize the free world against ambushes
- ahead. Now that the center of power had shifted to Washington, a
- Churchill was needed there. But no Churchill was visible on the
- U.S. horizon. In 1941 he had warned: "Nothing is more dangerous
- in wartime than to live in the temperamental atmosphere of a
- Gallup poll, always feeling one's pulse and taking one's
- temperature. I see [it said that] leaders should keep their ears
- to the ground. All I can say is that the British nation will find
- it very hard to look up to leaders who are detected in that
- somewhat ungainly posture." Leadership in the cold war called for
- more than Harry Truman's exquisitely sensitive, ground-gripping
- ear.
- </p>
- <p> As the half-century ended, Churchill was getting ready for
- his 13th British general election. He would fight it--as he had
- fought all his other great battles--on the issue of freedom.
- Churchill likes freedom. He has been with freedom on some of its
- darkest and brightest days.
- </p>
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